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Wind Back The Clock Cancelled

Unfortunately due to ongoing power infrastructure works at the complex still ongoing, the upcoming ‘Wind Back The Clock’ vintage event has been cancelled.

Despite hard work by the club, we could not be sure these would be complete by October 14 so we have had to make this hard decision.

We still have our annual ‘Wind Back The Clock’ on May 11, 2024 and there will be opportunities during our regular season events for vintage cars to hit the track.

We expect to now start our season on November 4 with the Sprintcar Allstars.

Wind Back The Clock Cancelled2023-09-26T08:43:28+10:00

Clubrooms upgrade thanks to Coomealla Club

Mildura Speedway Drivers Club is pleased to announce it has been the recipient of a community grant from Coomealla Memorial Sporting Club.

These funds have allowed the club to install new heating and air conditioning units in the clubrooms, allowing greater use of our facilities all year round.

We thank the Coomealla Memorial Sporting Club for their support, you can see their details at

Clubrooms upgrade thanks to Coomealla Club2023-08-03T08:45:51+10:00

2023-24 Season Calendar Realeased

The 2023-2024 season calendar has been released and it is shaping up to be a huge season at Timmis Speedway.

We start the season with ‘Wind Back The Clock’ vintage and classic speedway event which has been very popular. Then November 4 the annual Col Beasley Classic returns with the Australian Sprintcar Allstars Series.

A short two week break and we have the Ross Crick Memorial for local classes and the MJS Street Stock Series returns as well.

After a break for Christmas the Ti Bill’s Wingless Sprint Series is here for the first time. This series always has big car counts and fantastic racing. They are joined by the SA Modified Sedan Series.

Feb 3 and we have two state titles on one huge night – the Victorian Super Sedan Title and the SA Wingless Sprints Title.

Feb 24 sees the return of 410 Sprintcars to Timmis for the first time in years, with the Southern Shootout Series, which will be joined by the Victorian AMCA Series.

March long weekend the popular Super Rods return, joined by the Modified Sedans Murray Magic Feature.

Onto Easter, with the big two night 360 Sprintcar Easter Nationals.

The Anzac Day weekend we will hold the Australian Production Sedan Title which will be a huge event for our track.

The season then finishes off on May 11 for  another Wind Back The Clock vintage event.



2023-24 Season Calendar Realeased2023-06-23T15:44:33+10:00

Timmis Speedway aims for Easter Sprintcars return

On December 7 a meeting was held by the members of Mildura Speedway Drivers Club in regards to the racing future at Timmis Speedway in Mildura.
Many things were discussed in what needs to happen for the club to move forward & go racing again.
A commitment has been made by the members to have cars on the track come Easter for the Easter Power Sports weekend being Good Friday & Easter Sunday for the 360 Sprintcar Easter Nationals incorporating the Australian Sprintcar Allstars Series Grand Finale + a whole host of other great classes that will feature over the two day event.
We need all hands on deck to help complete the ground works for the new catch fence next weekend December 17 & 18, with plans to erect the new fence very early in the New Year.
Multiple options are being investigated to enable Easter to be run including utilising temporary lighting.
We have some fundraising campaigns ongoing to assist with the cost of the new safety fence. A GoFundMe campaign running at the moment, along with the $1000 club.
A new initiative launched is the option to buy a catch fence pole, for $200 you can purchase a catch fence post to help complete the works. We have a way of recognizing these people moving forward which will be optional if you wish to remain anonymous.
You can purchase a post or donate via EFT (bank details on flyer), our online shop at or via cash/EFTPOS at Enzed Mildura
On to our huge working bee next weekend, important days for our fence progress.
We kindly thanks those supporters, racers, fans, business that have donated so far, your money is helping us keep the dream alive.
– End Release
Timmis Speedway aims for Easter Sprintcars return2022-12-09T13:16:56+11:00

Fence work begins at Timmis Speedway

With the completion of the removal of the old fence and light poles, work begins on the new safety fence. Thanks to the crew WK Posi Track Hire, the holes for the new poles have been bored and the footings will be poured in the coming weeks.

Fence work begins at Timmis Speedway2022-11-06T16:21:03+11:00
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